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About Don Berg

Don Berg

- over 15 years experience leading kids of all ages

- Author of the book Attitude First: A Leadership Strategy for Educational Success

- Teacherpreneur, Home schooled other people's kids for about 5 years

- Graduate Northwest Nannies Institute, Certified Professional Nanny

- Attended Reed College

- Graduate Lakewood High School, Lakewood California

I currently (as of February 2008) live in Port Townsend, Washington, USA.

I was born in 1968.

I have been on sabbatical from the field of education for about five years to write and rethink how I can best contribute to the field.

This site is my first step towards actively reengaging with education.

I live with Kirsten Harma.

I have two older brothers.

I currently make my living delivering pizzas, but will pursue opportunities to teach within the next year.

I also have a blog at attitutor.com

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